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                                       About me


✂️ Hello, I am a user experience designer based in Toronto. Born with a passion for design and creativity, I began my journey in fashion design. I found my calling in UX design by cultivating a proactive problem-solving attitude and a curiosity for the digital world. 

❤️ I naturally connect with people, which helps me empathize with users' pain points and motivations. Understanding and synthesizing human behaviour has always brought me pride and joy in UX design. 


🫰As a team player, I've consistently received positive feedback from collaborating with other designers and professionals. With my uplifting energy, I believe I thrive in the collaborative environment of UX design.


📚I'm constantly striving to learn and improve. Currently, I'm challenging myself with a 30-day daily UI challenge and diving into 'Articulating Design Decisions' by Tom Greever.

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Outside of my 9-5

🐶 I am a dog mama, I spent a lot of my free time with my dog Basil.

🎶 I am a huge music lover, particularly upbeat dance music that keeps me dancing.

☕️ I also love a peaceful coffee shop hangout, while strolling along Queen West. 

👗 As well, I enjoy putting my fashion skills to use by making winter jackets for Basil. Additionally, I've found joy in up-cycling old garments, which inspired the creation of 'Anew', my case study. You can click here to view it.

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